Thursday, August 15, 2013

Garden Tags

If you're like me, I spend enough on my gardening habit, without adding the expense of buying tags to mark my dahlias. with over three hundred varieties, it can add up to a lot of money. Now for a while, I've been using mini blinds with pretty good results, but over time they become brittle, and break. 

This year I tried something new--wooden tags.  I barely spent any money on this project, and I think I'll be using them for a while.  I went down to my local lumber yard, and picked up what they call "splints" -- little shims of wood that come between layers of lumber to keep them from getting gouged up.  I cut them to length, spritzed a little orange paint on for visibility, and used a Sharpie scientific marker (have to order them through the Staples website--for some reason they don't carry them in their stores).  And voila--cheap tags!

Step one--get the wood

Step two and three and four--cut the tags to length, paint, and label
Then into the garden they go!